Saturday, October 29, 2011

How I Created A Costume For My Son And A Monster In Myself

This is how it all began, when the cardboard seeds were planted....

It was October 2004, Halloween was just a few weeks away and I was so excited to dress up my 2 1/2 year old son in costume. Oh, so many cute choices for a little boy!
"So, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
"I want to be myself."
", well, yeah... that's great, but you are yourself everyday. You can be anything you want on Halloween AND you'll get candy!" (a still extremely rare and unusual treat at this age)
"I just want to be me."
"How about a vampire? a dragon? an animal? anything!....ANYTHING??!!
"No, I just want to be myself"
This kid was not going to budge and had no interest in pretending to be anything or anyone but who he was, himself.
Well, as much as I loved and adored "himself" this was just not going to cut with me. Creative minded mom + little kid + Halloween = this kid MUST wear a costume!!! How did I end up with a kid who doesn't like to dress up or pretend? And I wasn't about to spend money on a costume that he might refuse to wear. Inspiration struck while I was unpacking the grocery delivery. I'll make him a costume from a cardboard box! If he doesn't wear it I can always recycle.
He was really into cars and taxis at the time, every time he saw a taxi he would say "Where to Mac?"
So there is was, I'll make him a taxi.
I had a great time designing it with all the cute details (1 mile = 1 candy, 1 candy each additional mile). I created not only a fun costume for my son, but a cardboard monster in myself. Already I couldn't wait for next Halloween. My taxi driver wore his regular clothes and was happy to wear the taxi box over them. All that was left to do was pin the "On Duty" sign to his cap and we were off to drive around the neighborhood.  Trick or Treat!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about "where to, mac?" - so adorable.
